DY Belt Filter Press

The fixed chamber belt vacuum filter is also called the rubber belt vacuum filter; it is a new, Efficiently, continuous product developed by our factory based on the introduction, absorption and digestion of the technology of similar foreign products and based on the specific characteristics of the rubber belt filter.


Product Description
The fixed chamber belt vacuum filter is also called the rubber belt vacuum filter; it is a new, Efficiently, continuous product developed by our factory based on the introduction, absorption and digestion of the technology of similar foreign products and based on the specific characteristics of the rubber belt filter. The operating solid-liquid separation equipment; the rubber belt vacuum filter (hereinafter referred to as the tape filter) adopts a fixed vacuum box, the tape moves on the vacuum box, and a moving seal is formed between the vacuum box and the tape; and the moving chamber type Compared with vacuum filters, it overcomes the disadvantages of high energy consumption due to the need to remove the vacuum for every stroke of the mobile chamber belt filter. Achieving true continuous operation and continuous filtering. The filtration, washing, slag unloading and filter cloth cleaning in the production process can be completed sequentially with the operation of the belt; thus the filtration efficiency is improved and energy consumption is reduced. The tape-type filter developed by our factory is designed with an annular friction belt between the vacuum box and the tape and is sealed with water. The sealed water can be used as both a lubricant and a coolant for the sealing device, forming a very effective vacuum seal; on the tape The support method adopts air cushion support or water film support. The tape floats on the air cushion or liquid film, which can effectively reduce the friction resistance of the tape operation. The overall structure adopts a detachable frame structure to ensure the smooth installation and maintenance of the ring tape and the maintenance of the entire equipment.
Advantages and Features
  • 01

    Overall structure modular design, can be flexibly assembled, easy to transport and installation

  • 02

    High degree of automation; material discharging, filtering, washing, drying, unloading, filter cloth cleaning are continuous Automatization, improve production efficiency, reduce operating costs, greatly reduce the labor intensity of workers, improve the working environment.

  • 03

    Over Filtration Speed degree is fast; the material passes through the sedimentation area, large particles are in the bottom layer and small particles are in the upper layer, the structure of the filter cake is reasonable, the filtrate permeability resistance is small, and it can carry out the thin-layer rapid filtration.

  • 04

    Convenient filtration process; cake thickness, washing Quantity, number of countercurrent washing stages, vacuum degree, filter cloth speed are adjusted arbitrarily to achieve the best filtration effect.

  • 05

    Washing Effective; can realize multi-stage flat-flow or counter-flow washing, washing evenly and thoroughly, mother liquor and washing liquor can be collected and reused separately according to the needs of the process.

Technical Parameters
Series Filter Area(㎡) Effective Width of Filter Belt(mm) Chamber Length(mm) Overall Length L(mm) Fuselage Width W(mm) Fuselage Height H(mm) Weight(t) Vacuum Consumption(m³/min)
630 3.8 630 7250 8600 1150 1460 3.5 6
5 8750 10100 4 6
6.3 11250 12600 4.6 8
6.6 11750 13100 4.8 10
7.6 13250 14600 5.2 10
1250 10 1250 9250 10600 1800 1460 6.1 12
11 10250 11600 6.4 12
13 11750 13100 6.8 14
15 13250 14600 7.2 16
17 14750 16100 7.6 18
18.8 16250 17600 7.9 20
1600 9.6 1600 7250 8600 1800 1460 6 12
12 8750 10100 6.6 12
14.4 10250 11600 7 16
16.8 11750 13100 7.5 18
19.2 13250 14600 8.2 20
21.6 14750 16100 8.6 22
24 16250 17600 9 25
2000 15 2000 8750 10200 2250 1560 7.2 16
18 10250 11700 7.9 20
20 11250 12700 8.1 22
21 11750 13200 8.3 22
24 13250 14700 9.2 25
27 14750 16200 9.8 28
30 16250 17700 10.2 32
2500 18.8 2500 8750 10200 3050 1560 8.2 20
22.5 10250 11700 9.1 25
26 11750 13200 9.7 28
30 13250 14700 10.6 32
34 14750 16200 11.5 35
37.5 16250 17700 12 40
3000 22.5 3000 8750 10200 3550 1560 10.5 25
27 10250 11700 11.5 30
31.5 11750 13200 12.5 33
36 13250 14700 13.8 39
40.5 14750 16200 14.9 42
45 16250 17700 16 45
49.5 17750 19200 17.6 50
Material name
Liquid-solid ratio
Water content of cake
Production efficiency(dry slag)
脱硫石膏 4/1 10 600-1000
德士古煤气黑水 10/1 55 600-800
电石渣污水 10/1 30 500-600
乳白液(碱回收) 20波美度 40 800
Nay分子筛母回收Slo2 4/1 40
硫酸污泥 1.5/1 37-42 665-781
烟煤灰水 10/1 20.7 4.9m³/㎡h(喂料)
氨11泥 2.82/1 62-65 80-256
氧化氢 10/1 51.2 75.9
氧化锰进原酸浸矿浆 3/1 45.06 88.46
磁铁矿 2.5/1-4/1 7.6 500-100
硫精矿 4/1-2.5/1 11.63 360-800
铜精矿 4/1-2.5/1 12 400-600
全尾矿 9/1-4/1 21.4 300-500
精铁矿 2/1-1.5/1 8-10 2000-3000
锰矿 2/1 15-17 800-1000
氢氧化铝 4/1 15-17 350
五氧化二钒 3/1 3.3 174
萤石粉 2/1 11 800
石英粉 1/3 7 1500-2000
金精粉 3/1 25-27 111
仲钨酸铵 2/1 71 250
柠檬酸(硫酸钙) 5/1-3/1 65-75 258
偶有机染料 30/1-20/1 69 100
烧碱和Cus混合液 4/1 19.6 416
ABS树脂 10/1 36-38 170-232
磷酸矿浆 3.5/1 21.5 345
溶性磷肥 2/1-5/1 7-10 1000-2000
氧化镁 4/1 42-45 340-380
铝矾土 5/1-4/1 26.4-29 17000
苛化泥 4/1 47-51 1000-1200
硫酸铝残液 1.5/1 37 200
庆大霉素发酵液 1/1-2/1 33.1 78.5
粗氧化锌 4/1 23.5 233
含氧石灰 4/1-5/1 42-51 200-560
盐铵 4/1 18-20 1000-1500
硅氧化钠 3/1 15-20 300-500
湿法水泥 2/1 16-20 787
选煤精煤泥 4/1 22.4 218
选煤尾煤泥 6/1 25 100
硫酸锌矿浆 5/1 45-50 312
磷石膏(P2O5) 4/1-5/1 20-22 800-1000
Material name
Liquid-solid ratio
Water content of cake
Production efficiency(dry slag)
钾长石 1-2/1 8.9 300
石墨矿友渣 3/1 33 174
有色金属含锌废浆 22.8/1 88.18-90 74-135
牛皮渣(硫酸铬) 44.1/1 70 75-120
白碳黑 3% 82.5 150
水解渣 10/1 72.2-75.1 338.6
蔗渣 10/1 76-80 300
柠檬酸(发酵液) 2.8/1 60-70 230
柠檬酸(钙盐) 4/1 50-70 157
铀冶铁 0.6/1-1.3/1 18-22 417.73
含锌废浆 22.8/1 88.18-90.52 74-135
硝酸碳服酸不溶液 1.55/1 7.8 715.5
硫酸铝残渣 1.5/1 37-46 96.6-204
转炉污泥 / 22 102
荧光材料酸洗液 2/1 30 185
硬脂酸铅 5/1 59 1500
硝基 4.2/1 / 180
砂料 4/1 19.2 714
次氧化锌悬浮液浸 4/1 45.4 101.7
工艺中的物流液沉砷 10/1 39 221.4
含钡矿料 1.45/1 26.4 60
烧结泥渣 2/1 22 83
活性白土 4/1 50.3 35
氧化锌悬浮液 3.5/1 41.3 28.2
黄砂 3/1 5-7 670-800
煤系高岭土 4/1 51 420-600
含锌和含铁白渣 3.5/1 47.1 27.2
两种悬浮液黑渣 3/1 50.2 22.8
色酸AS 12/1 32 97.2
四硝基问甲酚 10/1 150-213
磷矿石 2/1-1.6/1 12 800-1000
燃煤法灰浆 6/1 31.36-37.6 786-965
ABS 10-15 40-60
聚苯乙烯 30-50 9-15 1000-2000
PVA(聚苯乙烯) 10-50 55-65 90-120
磷酸钙 30-40 15-20 500-1000
金刚砂 40 7-10 1500-2000
石英砂 15-20 5-7 1000-2000
铝渣 40-45 26-29 1500-2000
季戊四静 20-25 23-39 118-216
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