Electric Flocculation Equipment

Electric Flocculation uses aluminum, iron and other metals as anodes. Under the action of direct current, the anodes are corroded and All and Fe plasmas are produced. After a series of hydrolysis, polymerization and ferrous oxidation processes, they develop into various hydroxyl complexes.


Product Description
Electric Flocculation uses aluminum, iron and other metals as anodes. Under the action of direct current, the anodes are corroded and All and Fe plasmas are produced. After a series of hydrolysis, polymerization and ferrous oxidation processes, they develop into various hydroxyl complexes. , polynuclear hydroxyl complexes and even chlorine oxides, causing colloidal impurities and suspended impurities in wastewater to condense, precipitate and separate. At the same time, charged pollutant particles swim in the electric field, and part of their charges are neutralized by the electrodes to promote their detachment. Stable and steady. When wastewater is treated by electrolytic flocculation, it not only has a coagulation and precipitation effect on colloidal impurities and suspended impurities, but also can remove various pollutants in the water due to the oxidation function of the anode and the reduction function of the cathode.
Advantages and Features
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    The electron transfer only takes place between the electrode and the wastewater component without the addition of redox agents, thus avoiding the secondary pollution caused by the addition of chemicals;

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    Compared to chemical flocculation, Electric Flocculation produces less sludge and reduces sludge volume by up to 83%;

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    Electric Flocculation has a wide range of temperature and pH, and can be adapted to large changes in Quantity and water quality by adjusting the process Parameters;

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    Electric Flocculation produces highly reactive neo-ecological iron or aluminum ions, resulting in more efficient flocculation;

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    When the wastewater contains metal ions, the cathode and anode can work at the same time cathode reduction of metal ions, anode oxidation of organic matter, in order to maximize the efficiency of treatment, and at the same time recycling and reuse of valuable chemicals or metals, so as to avoid secondary pollution;

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    Electric Flocculation Equipment devices Simple Structure compact, small footprint, operation Easy maintenance, easy Automatization and manufacturing industrialization.

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